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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

e-Commerce - AM4

e-Commerce - AM4

Assignment - A:

Question 1: Explain B2B E-Commerce using an example of a book distributor who stocks a large number of books, which he distributes via a large network of book sellers. Assume that the distributor has stocks of books of a large number of publishers and book sellers order books as and when their stock is low. Distributors give 1 month's time to booksellers for payment.

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Question 2: Explain the system architecture of E-Commerce by looking at it as a set of layers with the physical network at the bottom layer and applications at the top layer.

Question 3: What do you understand by EDI? Is EDI used in B2C or B2B E-Commerce? Why is EDI important in E-Commerce?

Question 4:Why is security important in E-Commerce? What are the security issues to be taken into account while designing a security system for E-Commerce?

Question 5: What types of electronic payment systems are required in E-Commerce? Why are there different types of payment systems? Explain the necessary characteristics of each type of payment system and give an example each of where it is used.

Assignment - B:

Question 6: What three forces lead to the WWW’s emergence as the single most dynamic force in information technology?

Question 7: Why is it so important to align the electronic commerce strategy with the overall business strategy?

Question 8: Give examples of how the supplier’s information system can be used at every link in the value chain by the customer?

Question 9:Define the following terms and discuss the Infrastructure needed for an E-Commerce Environment: (Nov’09)

(i) e-businesses

(ii) e-commerce

(iii) e-cooperation

(iv) e-information

(v) e-procurement

(vi) e-government

Assignment - C

10.1 By Electronic Commerce we mean:

a. Commerce of electronic goods

b. Commerce which depends on electronics

c. Commerce which is based on the use of internet

d. Commerce which is based on transactions using computers connected by telecommunication network

10.2 For carrying out B2B e-Commerce the following infrastructure is essential: (i) World Wide Web

(ii) Corporate network

(iii) Electronic Data Interchange standards

(iv) Secure Payment Services

(v) Secure electronic communication link connecting businesses

a. i, ii, iii

b. ii, iii, iv

c. ii, iii, iv, v

d. i, ii, iii, iv, v

10.3 For carrying out B2C e-Commerce the following infrastructure is essential (i) World Wide Web

(ii) Corporate network

(iii) Electronic Data Interchange standards

(iv) Secure Payment Services

(v) Secure electronic communication link connecting businesses

a. i, iv

b. i, iii, iv

c. ii, iii

d. i, ii, iii, iv

10.4 For carrying out C2C e-Commerce the following infrastructure is essential (i) World Wide Web

(ii) Corporate network

(iii) Electronic Data Interchange standards

V. Rajaraman/IISc. Bangalore M13/V1/July 04/1

System Analysis and Design/Electronic Commerce Multiple Choice Questions

(iv) Secure Payment Services

(v)Secure electronic communication link connecting businesses

a. i and ii

b. ii and iv

c. i and iii

d. i and iv

10.5 Advantages of B2C commerce are (i) Business gets a wide reach to customers

(ii) Payment for services easy

(iii)Shop can be open 24 hours a day seven days a week

(iv)Privacy of transaction always maintained

a. i and ii

b. ii and iii

c. i and iii

d. iii and iv

10.6 B2C commerce

a. includes services such as legal advice

b. means only shopping for physical goods

c. means only customers should approach customers to sell

d. means only customers should approach business to buy

10.7 Advantages of B2C commerce to customers are (i)wide variety of goods can be accessed and comparative prices can be found

(ii) shopping can be done at any time

(iii)privacy of transactions can be guaranteed

(iv)security of transactions can be guaranteed

a. i and ii

b. ii and iii

c. iii and iv

d. i and iv

10.8 Disadvantages of e-Commerce in India are (i) internet access is not universally available

(ii) Credit card payment security is not yet guaranteed

(iii) Transactions are de-personalized and human contact is missing

(iv) Cyberlaws are not in place

a. i and ii

b. ii and iii

c. i, ii, iii

d. i, ii, iii, iv

10.9 Electronic Data Interchange is necessary in

a. B2C e-Commerce

b. C2C e-Commerce

c. B2B e-Commerce

d. Commerce using internet

10.10 EDI requires

a. representation of common business documents in computer readable forms

b. data entry operators by receivers

c. special value added networks

d. special hardware at co-operating Business premises

10.11 EDI standards are

a. not universally available

b. essential for B2B commerce

c. not required for B2B commerce

d. still being evolved

10.12 EDIFACT is a standard

a. for representing business forms used in e-Commerce

b. for e-mail transaction for e-Commerce

c. for ftp in e-Commerce

d. protocol used in e-Commerce

10.13 EDIFACT standard was developed by

a. American National Standard Institute

V. Rajaraman/IISc. Bangalore M13/V1/July 04/3

System Analysis and Design/Electronic Commerce Multiple Choice Questions

b. International Standard Institute

c. European Common Market

d. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

10.14 ANSI X.12 is a standard developed by

a. American National Standard Institute

b. International Standard Institute

c. European Common Market

d. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

10.15 In B2B e-Commerce

(i) Co-operating Business should give an EDI standard to be used

(ii) Programs must be developed to translate EDI forms to a form accepted by application program

(iii) Method of transmitting/receiving data should be mutually agreed

(iv) It is essential to use internet

a. i, ii

b. i, ii, iii

c. i, ii, iii, iv

d. ii, iii, iv

10.16 EDI use

a. requires an extranet

b. requires value added network

c. can be done on internet

d. requires a corporate intranet

10.17 EDI over internet uses

a. MIME to attach EDI forms to e-mail messages

b. FTP to send business forms

c. HTTP to send business forms

d. SGML to send business forms

10.18 For secure EDI transmission on internet

a. MIME is used

b. S/MIME is used

V. Rajaraman/IISc. Bangalore M13/V1/July 04/4

System Analysis and Design/Electronic Commerce Multiple Choice Questions

c. PGP is used

d. TCP/IP is used

10.19 EDI standard

a. is not easily available

b. defines several hundred transaction sets for various business forms

c. is not popular

d. defines only a transmission protocol

10.20 By security in e-Commerce we mean

(i) Protecting an organization’s data resource from unauthorized access

(ii)Preventing disasters from happening

(iii) Authenticating messages received by an organization

(iv) Protecting messages sent on the internet from being read and understood by unauthorized persons/organizations

a. i, ii

b. ii, iii

c. iii, iv

d. i, iii, iv

10.21 A firewall is a

a. wall built to prevent fires from damaging a corporate intranet

b. security device deployed at the boundary of a company to prevent unauthorized physical access

c. security device deployed at the boundary of a corporate intranet to protect it from unauthorized access

d. device to prevent all accesses from the internet to the corporate intranet

10.22 A firewall may be implemented in

a. routers which connect intranet to internet

b. bridges used in an intranet

c. expensive modem

d. user’s application programs

10.23 Firewall as part of a router program

a. filters only packets coming from internet

V. Rajaraman/IISc. Bangalore M13/V1/July 04/5

System Analysis and Design/Electronic Commerce Multiple Choice Questions

b. filters only packets going to internet

c. filters packets travelling from and to the intranet from the internet

d. ensures rapid traffic of packets for speedy e-Commerce

10.24 Filtering of packets by firewall based on a router has facilities to

a. i, iii

b. i, ii, iii

c. i, ii, iii, iv

d. ii, iii, iv

10.25 Main function of proxy application gateway firewall is

a. to allow corporate users to use efficiently all internet services

b. to allow intranet users to securely use specified internet services

c. to allow corporate users to use all internet services

d. to prevent corporate users from using internet services

10.26 Proxy application gateway

(i) acts on behalf of all intranet users wanting to access interne securely

(ii)monitors all accesses to internet and allows access to only specified IP addresses

(iii) disallows use of certain protocols with security problems

(iv) disallows all internet users from accessing intranet

a. i, ii

b. i, ii, iii

c. i, ii, iii, iv

d. ii, iii, iv

10.27 A hardened firewall host on an intranet

(i) has a proxy application gateway program running on it

(ii)Allows specified internet users to access specified services in the intranet

(iii) Initiates all internet activities requested by clients and monitors them

(iv) prevents outsiders from accessing IP addresses within the intranet

a. i, ii

b. i, ii, iii

c. i, ii, iii, iv

d. ii, iii, iv

10.28 A hardened firewall host on an Intranet is

a. a software which runs in any of the computers in the intranet

b. a software which runs on a special reserved computer on the intranet

c. a stripped down computer connected to the intranet

d. a mainframe connected to the intranet to ensure security

10.29 By encryption of a text we mean

a. compressing it

b. expanding it

c. scrambling it to preserve its security

d. hashing it

10.30 Encryption is required to

(i) protect business information from eavesdropping when it is transmitted on internet

(ii)efficiently use the bandwidth available in PSTN

(iii) to protect information stored in companies’ databases from retrieval

(iv) to preserve secrecy of information stored in databases if an unauthorized person retrieves it

a. i and ii

b. ii and iii

c. iii and iv

d. i and iv

10.31 Encryption can be done

a. only on textual data

b. only on ASCII coded data

c. on any bit string

d. only on mnemonic data

10.32 By applying permutation (31254) and substitution by 5 characters away from current character (A 􀃆 F , B 􀃆 G etc..) the following string ABRACADABRA becomes




d. None of the above

10.33 The following ciphertext was received. The plaintext was permuted using permutation (34152) and substitution. Substitute character by character +3 (A 􀃆 D, etc). The plain text after decryption is: Cipher text : PDLJDLXHVQC





10.34 By symmetric key encryption we mean

a. one private key is used for both encryption and decryption

b. private and public key used are symmetric

c. only public keys are used for encryption

d. only symmetric key is used for encryption

10.35 The acronym DES stands for

a. Digital Evaluation System

b. Digital Encryption Standard

c. Digital Encryption System

d. Double Encryption Standard

10.36 DES works by using

a. permutation and substitution on 64 bit blocks of plain text

b. only permutations on blocks of 128 bits

c. exclusive ORing key bits with 64 bit blocks

d. 4 rounds of substitution on 64 bit blocks with 56 bit keys

10.37 DES

(i) is a symmetric key encryption method

(ii)guarantees absolute security

(iii) is implementable as hardware VLSI chip

(iv) is a public key encryption method

a. i and ii

b. ii and iii

c. i and iii

d. iii and iv

10.38 DES using 56 bit keys

a. Cannot be broken in reasonable time using presently available computers

b. Can be broken only if the algorithm is known using even slow computers.

c. Can be broken with presently available high performance computers.

d. It is impossible to break ever.

10.39 Triple DES uses

a. 168 bit keys on 64-bit blocks of plain text

b. Working on 64-bit blocks of plain text and 56 bit keys by applying DES algorithm for three rounds.

c. Works with 144 bit blocks of plain text and applies DES algorithm once.

d. Uses 128 bit blocks of plain text and 112 bit keys and apply DES algorithm thrice.

10.40 ripple DES

a. Cannot be broken in reasonable time using presently available computers.

b. Can be broken only if the algorithm is known using even slow computer.

c. Can be broken with presently available high performance computers.

d. It is impossible to break ever.

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