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Saturday, January 30, 2016

Database Management System-AN-16 Annamalai MBA Assignments

1.         Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of hierarchical database management system in comparison with RDBMS. Discuss types of applications suitable for hierarchical DMBS and RDBMS.
2.         Produce and E-R diagram, which documents the entities, attributes, relationships and cardinality involved in the Life Insurance Management System. Create a relational      schema to hold the necessary information. Identify the tables and perform normalisation   to the tables to the required normal forms.
3          (A)       What is a view? Discuss the difference between a view and base relation. Explain what happens what a user accesses a database through a view.
            (B)       Consider the relation table given below and answer the following SQL queries. Employee (SSN-No. Name , Department, Salary)
                        a.         List all the employees whose name starts with the Letter `L’
                        b.         Find the maximum salary given to employees in each department
                        c.         Find the number of employees working in `Marketing’ department
                        d.         Find the second Maximum salary from the table
                        e.         Find the employee who is getting the minimum salary
4.         Write a PL/SQL program from maintain employee details for following menu operations
            (a) Insert a record
            (b) Update the record
            (c) Delete the record
            (d) Report for all employees

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